No More Dental Fears with Fishers’ Choice – Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry in Fishers, Indiana

Relax During Your Dental Care with Sedation Dentistry

Are you afraid of the dentist? Do you get nervous just thinking about it? Do you feel faint at the idea of a Novocain needle? Do you have trouble getting numb or have aches and pains that make sitting in the dental chair difficult? In short, do you avoid the dentist because you are afraid or uncomfortable? You are not alone.

Many people are fearful or nervous about going to the dentist. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), 50% of the population does not go to the dentist regularly, often due to fear.

We have a solution that will help you doze right through your next appointment: pain free sedation dentistry.

What is Sedation Dentistry?
Relax! Sedation dentistry goes beyond Novocain to whole body ease. It is like floating away on a cloud while all your dental procedures are taken care of.

Sedation dentistry works so well because it reduces the body’s natural tendency to tense muscles while stressed – dental anesthetics are more effective while the body is relaxed. Sedation dentistry effectively soothes discomfort, reduces pain and calms your nerves.

Who Can Benefit From Sedation Dentistry in Fishers, IN?
Sedation dentistry is an excellent option for anyone who has:

  • dental anxiety or phobia
  • difficulty getting numb
  • a strong gag reflex
  • highly sensitive teeth

It is also ideal for patients who wish to have multiple procedures completed in one visit without discomfort and for older patients who have difficulty sitting for longer periods.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?
It’s easy! Simply take our prescription sedative before your appointment. By the time you are in the dental chair, you’ll be completely relaxed and without fear or nervousness. Because of its relaxing effect, we do ask that you have someone drive you to and from your appointment.

We also offer nitrous oxide sedation, commonly referred to as laughing gas. This sedating and pain relieving gas lets our patients completely relax during treatment and come back feeling as if they have had a restful nap. Nitrous is safe and effective and is often used with kids to keep them relaxed and ensure that their dental visit is a pain free positive experience.